Power Stone 2

Discount Power Stone 2

I would recommend that you GO GET a Dreamcast JUST for POWERSTONE 2!! This game recently destroyed a party with friends because of its simplicity and appeal. Er..I mean destroyed in a good way. If you have the friends or family (and yes unlike PS1, you can play this one with Mom or little Jimmy around) then GO GET IT. The multi player is beyond description!! The single player mode is kinda flat and leaves you feeling short changed but to make up for that to can play a mayhem match with the CPU controlling the other 3 characters or collect rare weapons while you try to fight in Adventure mode.

The basic rundown:

2) Even on a rainy day with no friends around you can still enjoy a mayhem match.
3) The graphics are awesome
4) The backrounds are even bigger and badder
5) The sheer amount of weapons to find or create by mixing existing weapons is awesome
6) Two players can team up to go through the game
7) Rogue is seriously toned down to family friendly standards (good move)
8) NO MORE ONE TRICK PONY VICTORIES, you gotta fight for a win here
9) Fighting engine was reworked to make the game MORE FUN and IT WORKED
10) Adventure mode adds replay value to the single player experience
11) New characters (especially Accel) are a welcome addition.
12) Japenese voices are left intact

So why not 5 stars with so many pros? Read on

1) No character personality or good story or character endings.
2) Small number of stages (less than PS1) and stages do not reflect any character in particular.
3) Single player mode LIMITED except for Adventure Mode
4) The final boss is a waste of game memory and resources. The final boss is pathetic and demonically ugly!! The other short-comings could be over looked but this freak is sickening. My spirit is disturbed every time I see him. We could have seen a better final boss one with style and a rad multi level backround. This brought down the score more than anything else!
5) No Powerstone 3 for Dreamcast

GET THIS GAME AND A SECOND HAND DREAMCAST IT IS WORTH IT!! Buy a Dreamcast at Amazon now... games this fun that are not sports titles aren't made anymore.

Product Overviews

Players who have had the pleasure of playing the original Power Stone know that it was pure fighting chaos. One or two players would run around trying to collect three power stones, which would turn them into superhuman punishment machines, while everything from tables to submachine guns were available as weapons. It was fast paced and a whole lot of fun.

Now, picture all of the aforementioned stuff, but with up to four players battling at once, and you've just described Power Stone 2 for Dreamcast. Sure, there's still a one-player mode, but it's Power Stone 2's multiplayer mode that truly makes it worth the price of admission.

The levels are larger this time around, to accommodate the wilder action, and there are Mario Party-style minigames that pop up smack in the middle of battles. Graphics are as beautiful as the Dreamcast can do, and the characters are cute and colorful. A couple of hidden characters add to the game's replay value. --Robb Guido


  • Fast and furious fighting action
  • Bigger stages, where nearly every object can be used as a weapon
  • Added minigames
  • One-player mode not nearly as fun
  • Frantic action leaves little space for strategy

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Tags : hdtv review Playstation 2 Military Games Game Boy Advanced Games


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